This article is over two years old.
Video length: 22 mins.
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Who is the elusive Jean-Luc Brunel, the modeling agent whose name keeps coming up in the Epstein affair? A playboy who likes to party? A sexual predator? “Complément d’Enquête” has collected new testimonies from former models who directly implicate him.
A French name keeps coming back to the Epstein affair: Jean-Luc Brunel, the modeling agent. The main complainant in the case accuses him of having played the role of tout for the billionaire. He has always denied it and is not being prosecuted.
A model hunter
But who is the elusive Brunel? A playboy who likes to party surrounded by young girls? A sharp-eyed model hunter who can make and break careers? A sexual predator? “Complementary investigation” met those who accuse him of rape and claim to be victims of omerta.
An investigation by Irène Bénéfice broadcast in “Complément d’Enquête” on November 7, 2019.