VIDEO. Behind the scenes at Les Vieilles Charrues with Kungs


Video length: 3 mins.


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2 am and yet, more than 70,000 people were present for the performance of the artist and DJ Kungs. Brut went behind the scenes of his show at the Vieilles Charrues festival.

He came to close the night of Saturday July 15 to Sunday July 16, 2023 of the Vieilles Charrues festival. Kungs, an internationally renowned artist and DJ, had already performed on this stage six years ago. “Since then, I have evolved quite a bit, I have released a lot of music. I want to do well and it’s a huge festival, which means a lot, and I think you keep that in mind for a long time afterwards.“For him, the Vieilles Charrues represent an important stage for all artists since it is the biggest French festival. 350,000 people gathered for this 31st edition in Carhaix, Finistère.

“Atmosphere was crazy”

A few minutes before his show, the technical team checks the smallest details before the start of the artist’s performance. He is slightly stressed to play in front of a French audience. “There are about twenty people who work on this show and it’s an atmosphere that you don’t find anywhere else. I’m quite stressed, I admit, when I play in France. Here, it’s at home, and I really want to do very well, because it’s an audience that has been following me for several years now, and that has given me a lot for a while, and I want to give back to them as much as I can.

Its objective: to make the Vieilles Charrues a dance floor like in the biggest clubs, for an evening. “I try to make a huge dancefloor, in all the festivals in which I play but also to take the microphone as much as possible to be able to speak to people and express to them what I feel. Inevitably, when it’s in French, you have to bare yourself, and that’s what’s a little more scary than dates abroad.” Review of this moment: “It was one of the best shows of my life. The atmosphere was crazy, the audience was indescribable.”, he confides.

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