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Sunday March 20, Francis Letellier receives the presidential candidates Valérie Pécresse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot. The latter are invited to express themselves on their proposals concerning the autonomy of Corsica, the pension reform or the war in Ukraine.
Sunday March 19 marks the tenth anniversary of the killings of Mohammed Merah in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Emmanuel Macron is going there on this occasion, accompanied by former Presidents of the Republic François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. For the candidate Les Républicains (LR) Valérie Pécresse, “We have not yet fully taken the full measure of this Islamist threat”. Regarding the Islamist terrorists detained in France who will be released from prison in the coming years, the candidate wishes to establish “security detention sentences” to better control their movements. Asked about a possible autonomy for Corsica, the candidate said she was in favor of “the autonomy of Corsica in the Republic”.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon defends his retirement at 60
Francis Letellier then speaks with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, from a distance. Regarding the situation in Corsica, the candidate of the Insoumis castigates the lack of dialogue between the government and the Corsican executive during the five-year term of Emmanuel Macron. On the pension reform, Jean-Luc Mélenchon explains why he wants to set the retirement age at 60: “If retirement goes to 60, that means 700,000 freed up jobs and 200,000 people who will no longer be covered by unemployment insurance expenses”. Finally, the candidate of the Insoumis returns to the war in Ukraine by calling to convene “an extraordinary session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which was created for this”.
The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot is the last to answer questions from Francis Letellier. He describes Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term as “five years of climate inaction”. “My absolute priority is the climate”, assures the candidate. Yannick Jadot then returns to a measure of his program, which intends to separate the State from the lobbies, and discusses the case of the consulting firm McKinsey, which carries out missions for the government. “These are American firms: we work on the heart of our public policies, firms that are associated with another country”, laments Yannick Jadot. Finally, the environmental candidate explains that he intends to defend “a model of food sovereignty”and explains that “to save agriculture”it is necessary to make a transition to “agro-ecology”.