VIDEO. Anne Hidalgo accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon of being “complacent and complicit with dictators”


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Jean-Luc Mélenchon advocates the idea of ​​being “non-aligned”. For the socialist candidate, there is no third way.

Anne Hidalgo accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Monday March 14 on franceinfo of being “complacent and complicit with dictators”. The socialist presidential candidate felt that the candidate of rebellious France had shown “complacency” with regard to “Vladimir Putin, but also Maduro in Venezuela and Bashar al-Assad in Syria”.

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“There are those who defend democracies and those who are complacent towards dictators”, she said. The mayor of Paris even mentioned a “complicity”. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is complacent with dictators, and people see it”she launched about the left-wing candidate who is ahead of her in the polls.

“For me there is no third way, either we are for democracies or for dictatorships. There is no third way that is not aligned. We have to be quite clear with international issues”, also launched the socialist presidential candidate. Jean-Luc Mélenchon advocates for the whole French international strategy the idea of ​​being “non Aligned“, a term taken from the Cold War.

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