VIDEO. Ana Girardot and Éric Judor talk about the stereotypical roles assigned to them


Video length: 4 min

VIDEO. Ana Girardot and Éric Judor talk about the stereotypical roles assigned to them

In the film “Les inséparables”, Ana Girardot and Éric Judor lend their voices to puppets stuck in stereotypes. For Brut, they talk about the stereotypical roles in which they have been confined. – (Raw.)

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France Televisions

In the film “Les inséparables”, Ana Girardot and Éric Judor lend their voices to puppets stuck in stereotypes. For Brut, they talk about the stereotypical roles in which they have been confined.

I think it happens to a lot of actors and actresses, at some point, to be assigned a certain type of role.” affirms Ana Girardot, who adds that the role of actors and actresses is also “to say no”. She herself has been offered “wife of” roles many times. “One day, I said to myself: “I’m fed up”. And I told my agent, “I don’t want to do women anymore.‘” She adds that she also “had the chance“to meet directors who made him “trust”. To actors and actresses who are afraid of no longer being called if they refuse roles, she confirms that this fear is legitimate.but there is also the risk that we will get tired of you doing exactly the same thing for ten years”.

“I was in the role of the moron for a long time”

In another register, Éric Judor was also put in a certain box.I was in the role of the idiot for a long time, until I did Platane, and suddenly, I had a bit of my credentials. But before that, I was a fool” explain Éric Judor, actor and screenwriter in particular of the series H and movies The infernal Montparnasse Tower And Only Two. He managed to break this image that had been attached to him by “forcing doors”. Platane, it took me a good year and a half to convince Canal to do it. (And among the actors and actresses), the first person who trusted me was Monica Bellucci. And luckily, afterwards, everyone said “yes”” remembers the actor and director.

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