VIDEO. Albert Dupontel and his vision of politics, education and commitment


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4 mins

VIDEO. Albert Dupontel and his vision of politics, education and commitment

Today, Albert Dupontel’s new film, “Second tour”, is released in theaters. The opportunity to talk about commitment, politics and education with the director. – (Raw.)

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France Televisions

Today, Albert Dupontel’s new film, “Second tour”, is released in theaters. The opportunity to talk about commitment, politics and education with the director.

In his new film, “Second tour”, Albert Dupontel plays a politician who embarks on his first presidential campaign. Unaccustomed to the exercise and new to politics, he stands out among the other candidates. Intrigued, the journalist, Mademoiselle Pove, played by Cécile de France, decides to follow him throughout the campaign. It all started for Albert Dupontel during confinement. “I came across a Robert Kennedy documentary on Netflix and the crazy idea came from: what if Robert Kennedy really hadn’t said what he wanted to do?” If the film talks about ecology, politics and freedom of expression, “of the themes very present in the collective unconscious currently”, the director would like to point out that his objective is to “distract people”.

“I simply want to speak, so those who want to, those who can will listen to me”

After four years of medical studies, at the age of 22, Albert Dupontel turned to theater and then cinema. He comments today: “It did me good to leave my socio-cultural course to go and act as a puppet”. Father of a family, he says to himself “worried” for the world of tomorrow and explains why culture is essential. “Children are naturally curious, no child is bored in life. You put a child in school, he gets bored. Go figure out why! It is intellectual curiosity that must absolutely be cultivated. Culture is one of the solutions, but not culture in the academic, pedagogical and scholarly sense. We must advocate creativity as strongly as literacy”. The film “Second Tour” has been in theaters since October 25.

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