VIDEO. After the suicide of their daughter, they denounce the inaction of justice

Victim of several sexual violence, the 21-year-old student had tried to alert the justice system and the police to her situation. She had filed a complaint three times, but had received no response from the courts. “It doesn’t make the victims want to file a complaint, because we have the impression that we are not taken seriously, and that, in addition, it drags on. Everything is slow, everything is long, I have the impression that we are under the pile of I don’t know how many things… When we are victims, I think we want it to be fast, action , reaction, we quickly want our executioner to pay”, explains the mother of the young woman.

After the suicide of their daughter on June 4, this couple launched a call for help on social networks to share their story and testify to the inaction of justice concerning certain cases. Océane was raped by her best friend while she was in her student apartment. She had already been raped three years earlier and sexually assaulted by her boss last January. “She was 17, it took two and a half years to find the courage to file a complaint”, explain his parents. “The first case, we just learned that it was closed without further action, because no one kept us informed. The second, it must be in progress, but we know nothing at all. The last and third case is in progress, so there is nothing yet either. In fact, one has the impression that each time, that does not advance.

Now his parents are hoping to get legal action. “I received forty, fifty messages, so 99% of women, who tell me that they have experienced the same story as Océane. Some told me that they had never had the courage to file a complaint, others told me that they had the courage to file a complaint but that they were never listened to. , or else, if they have been listened to, the file does not progress”, regrets the father of the young woman. “I can perhaps also understand that the justice system and the police are overwhelmed with cases, perhaps that they lack resources like hospitals and schools, but I think we have to take the measure right away.”

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