VIDEO. Actress Corinne Masiero reveals that she was a victim of incest


I came across a very, very old photo, a black and white photo that had been taken when I was little, at the sea, where I am with cousins, cousins, brothers, sisters… and where there is one of my attackers.“In full confinement, as the actress embarks on a”spring cleaning“, Corinne Masiero comes across a snapshot that will reopen a wound. Her cousin abused her, while she was in kindergarten. “And there, I felt something really nauseous, a big discomfort, and then it came back, and I had flashes.

The little girl was however protected by her relatives. “In my family, it was: watch out, you go to school, when someone stops, you don’t get in the car, you don’t answer.“But no one had warned her of the risks in the family setting.”That’s what’s really crazy, we often say to ourselves: but how did the others not see?” “It’s violent, when you remember. (…) All of a sudden, it’s as if we were putting a big projector in your face, which lights up like that pieces of memory, pieces of memories“, explains the actress.

She encourages victims to talk about it, at their own pace. “I, a former victim, believe you. Everyone here, we believe you. So take this strength with you and get better, ask for help, talk about it.” “I also talk to kids and girls who hear a boyfriend or girlfriend say something or who see strange behavior. It is better to alert and that nothing has happened, that is not serious“, she concludes.

Corinne Masiero recounts this trauma in the report Incest, say it and hear itbroadcast on September 26 on France 3.

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