VIDEO. A village at war against a farm-factory in the Tarn




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In Lescout, in the Tarn, the inhabitants are fighting to prevent the expansion of a farm-factory which is polluting the air in their village. Brut met these activists during the blockade of the farm-factory.

“I was afraid for my daughter, afraid that she would fall ill, so I left, I went to the next village”says Maëlys, an agricultural worker.

Air pollution, olfactory damage… A hundred inhabitants of the village of Lescout demonstrate to fight against the expansion of a farm-factory which they consider dangerous for their health and for the environment.

“It is incompatible with the challenges of global warming.”says Jean-Luc Hervé, the president of the Lescout collective.

“I am directly concerned as a father, my daughters, they start coughing, it really worries me” explains a resident.

“The one who sounded the alarm more than 5 and a half years ago was the mayor of the town, who had identified 78 cases of cancer among his constituents”specifies the president of the collective.

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