VIDEO. A shared kitchen for women in need



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To allow women to cook their own meals, the Salvation Army Foundation has created this shared kitchen. And thanks to this initiative, Alimatou can once again prepare food for her daughter. Meanwhile, in Paris …

Alimatou, 29, left his native Ivory Coast with his 14-year-old daughter just over a year ago. “My mother, she wanted to cut my daughter, I refused, so I fled. I only have one girl in the world so I don’t regret what I did“, she confides. Since then, Alimatou and her daughter have been staying in a social hotel. Problem: she does not have a space to prepare food. To allow Alimatou and other women like her to cook Their own meals, the Salvation Army has therefore created a shared kitchen.In addition to having a space to cook, these women have food at their disposal.

For Juliane Charton, the deputy director of a Salvation Army accommodation center, the idea is also to “create link“and to fight against isolation. She confides in fact that beautiful friendships have been created here. This place of sharing also allows these women to change their minds.”Everything comes to the head, everything you’ve been through, it comes to the head, so the head can’t rest but when you come and you interact with people, it makes you feel a bit good“, confides Alimatou.


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