VIDEO. A refuge for equines victims of abuse



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In this refuge, more than 400 horses, donkeys and ponies victims of abuse will be able to end their days far from human cruelty. Welcome to the Aubris farm of the 30 Millions d’Amis Foundation.

He had their feet in slippers, that’s when they don’t make them cut their feet properly. Every three, four months, the feet push up in the air in front. “Fanfan is one of the 400 mistreated equines who landed here, in this refuge created by the 30 Millions d’Amis Foundation. It takes place in Bannegon, in the Cher.

Among the animals, there is Elvie, a mare who came close to death. “When we went to get her she lay down in front of the heavyweight like a dead horse“, says Benoit Kuhn, team manager.”If we hadn’t intervened, she wouldn’t be in this world anymore. She was 2 years old“, he adds.

This 185 hectare former cattle farm has been transformed into a giant stable. The structure cost six million euros and was fully funded through donations. Abused equines are often reported by individuals. But recovering an abused equine is not that simple. “We cannot intervene until we have an act of justice, which means that we go with the gendarmerie, with the police, because we do not have the right to return to retrieve the horses without have a prefectural order“, explains Laetitia Bos, the director of the refuge.

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