[VIDÉO] A police intervention degenerates in Gatineau

A police intervention degenerated Thursday afternoon in Gatineau after police arrested cyclists for a simple violation of the highway safety code.

According to witnesses, four cyclists who were traveling in the opposite direction near boulevard Gréber and chemin de la Savane were arrested by the police.

The whole thing would have gotten tougher when the police asked them to identify themselves. According to the SPVG communications department, they refused to identify themselves and the spokesperson maintains that one of the cyclists then pushed an officer in an attempt to flee.

“The police are always trying to de-escalate. On the other hand, when we find ourselves faced with individuals who refuse to fulfill their legal obligations, in this case, that of identifying themselves because they have committed an offense under the Highway Safety Code, it is certain that the police will continue to intervene to try to explain and get the person to identify themselves, explain their obligations under the law,” said Gatineau Police Department spokesperson Andrée East.

A version of the facts strongly denied by the four people intercepted.

They mention having given their names to the police from the start, but that one of the officers still refused to let them go.

They believe they were victims of racial profiling by the officers since two of the people involved are of Latin origin and understand very little English. They who have never had a problem with the law, deny having been aggressive towards the police.

The four young people were given two statements of offense each, in the amount of $129, in connection with the highway safety code.

The two young men were charged respectively with assault on a peace officer and obstruction.

They intend to file a complaint against the SPVG agents.

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