VIDEO. A dermatologist warns of the dangers of cosmetic surgery in teens



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More young people are getting injections and other cosmetic procedures to look like social media influencers. That’s why this dermatologist is worried about this trend.

Today, there is a 25% increase in cosmetic surgery procedures in three years. The dermatologist “Dermato Drey” warns against this fashion which teenagers are more and more accustomed to. The doctor is especially worried about seeing more and more people turning to non-professionals. For her, it is a real public health problem that arises. “We see people with product that has migrated, granulomas, kinds of balls inside, or even worse: abscesses, necroses…”, explains the dermatologist. Indeed, hyaluronic acid injections should only be performed by a doctor, whether it is an aesthetic doctor, a dermatologist or even an aesthetic surgeon.

For Dermato Grey, this scourge is favored by the social networks that promote these surgical procedures. Many people who are not trained for this offer services at prices well below the market. Also, the dermatologist points to the tendency to compare oneself to others on social networks. “If we compare ourselves to people who are constantly filtered, made up, retouched, it gives us the impression that we ourselves are ugly and that, in our daily life, when we see ourselves in the morning without make up, we should do plastic surgery to look like them“, she develops.

As a doctor, Dermato Drey wants to raise awareness of these issues. “It’s important to put the risk-benefit balance closer to reality“, she specifies. Indeed, rare are the times when the side effects of these surgical acts are mentioned. They are even, on the contrary, minimized. “There is never anyone who talks about complications, hemorrhages or even simply failures because there is a therapeutic hazard“, she explains.

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