VIDEO. 7 tips for a successful barbecue


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Summer is the season for barbecues with friends or family. For Brut, the French barbeuc champions, the Ripailleurs, give 7 tips for successful barbeucing.

What should you absolutely not do? It’s putting it on direct cooking and burning it from the outside, and leaving it raw on the inside.”Do not prick the sausages, choose the right charcoal, favor quality products… Mastering the barbecue is quite an art. Here are 7 tips to get there.

For a successful barbecue, there are several things to do. And the first piece of advice given by the Ripailleurs is not to bite your sausages. “In fact, we don’t prick the sausages because it’s a casing that contains meat and fat. If you prick the casing, this fat that was put in during conception will melt, the meat will be dry and above all this fat will fuel your embers and there will be flames.

To have a successful barbecue, the Ripailleurs also advise having a lot of patience. “If you want to have a good barbecue, if you want to do good things, there’s no doubt that patience is the best weapon. You can put the best meat in the world but if you’re not patient, you’ll do anything.”

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