VIDEO. 6 tips to better manage sugar and get fit


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Eat salty, make sure you choose the order of your food, play sports just after meals… For Brut, Jessie Inchauspé, biochemist and author of “Make your glucose revolution”, gives several tips for better managing sugar and keeping in shape .

“Most of us have too much glucose in our bodies. And when we have too much glucose in the body, it creates problems for us. For example, food cravings, slack, fertility problems, weight gain, sleep that is not very restful…”

After analyzing 300 recent studies, Jessie Inchauspé, biochemist and author of “Make your glucose revolution”, has gathered 6 tips to better manage your sugar consumption. And for her, it’s a way to avoid the “glucose spikes” and improve its “physical and mental health”. During a meal, the specialist recommends, for example, eating food in a very specific order. “The correct order is: vegetables first, then proteins and fats, then starches and sugars. Meal example: steak-fries-salad. We eat the salad first, then the steak and we finish with the fries.”

The biochemist also advises to favor a salty rather than a sweet lunch. “If in the morning, we eat something sweet, we create this cycle of glucose, roller coaster we have cravings all day and we want to eat more and more sugar. So what we do in the morning, we take salty instead of sweet. It can be bread with cheese, bread with half an avocado, a small omelette that you make quickly in the morning…“Adding vinegar, exercising after meals, salty snacking… Discover Jessica Inchauspé’s other tips for managing your sugar consumption.

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