VIDEO. 30 women affected by breast cancer parade for Pink October in Paris



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On October 1st, the Pink October campaign, to raise awareness of breast cancer screening, is launched. For the occasion, a parade took place at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, highlighting 30 women with this disease. Brut met them backstage.

We are 30 women to have been chosen to go on the boards and to represent breast cancer, but in fact, we could have been 30,000.” For Alice Detollenaere, French model and godmother of Pink October, the evening of October 1st was a special event. Accompanied by Evelyne Dhéliat, Claudia Tagbo, and 30 women sick or in remission from breast cancer, they all paraded at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. They launched the Pink October campaign to fight this disease.

When I arrived in Barcelona, ​​I took my shower, I felt a ball and everything was linked and I returned to France to be treated. And unfortunately, six months later, my sister was also diagnosed with cancer, so we got treatment at the same time.”, says Camille. She was 26, and her sister 31. They walked on the podium together. “It’s an incredible experience, and we close a circle to get better and to show that illness is not inevitable, and that there is life after illness.

Mehdi Kerkouche is the director of this evening. This is the second year that he has taken part in the event. “I met 30 women last year who were amazing. I sympathized with them, I followed them, I saw the fight they were leading, how they were leading it, with enormous power, strength, dignity. They called me back, I am very happy this year to accompany them again.

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