Victory of the Blues against the Blacks

It’s still the fairy tale for Melvyn Jaminet. A year ago, to a day or so, he shone with the USAP to win an important match in PRO D2 at Vannes in a sadly empty stadium. The ascent was already dazzling and surprising but how was it imaginable to see him have fun and shine at the Stade de France a year later to beat the All Blacks? “Ballon d’Or”, headlines the newspaper L’Equipe to salute the performance of the usapiste nugget which is awarded a score of 8 out of 10 by the sports daily.

Once again, Melvyn Jaminet has been able to respond when the level of difficulty rises. It was already glowing in Nevers, then in Vannes, then in Oyonnax, then in the final stages of Pro D2. Then there was Australia and now it is against the reigning world champions that the adopted Catalan has been able to adapt. Facing the bars, he has this cold blood flowing in him and which allowed him to realize a 100% in this exercise against New Zealand. Very prominent in the game and almost perfect in his kicking game, the rear usapiste grew out of this autumn tour.

With this incredible atmosphere, you can only be in the game

Against the Blacks, he was able to tame the pressure: “before the game, we had to stay focused. We know the level of play of the Blacks. We felt that we were all 200% on this game. And then, to enter this field with an incredible atmosphere and all that goes with it, you can only be in the game. Tonight, it did us good. Against the Blacks, you must always give your all and let go of the horses. “

Melvyn Jaminet was able to free herself and play her game and, as always, he evokes this notion of pleasure: “Going into this stadium and seeing the haka was already huge. And there is also this beautiful conclusion, we win the match in a beautiful way I think. The notion of pleasure really takes on its full meaning tonight. All the guys in the field had fun.

To beat the reigning world champions, of course, it took all the feelings. There was this beautiful first half (24 to 6) but before the beautiful outcome, the Blacks stuck to the score and it was necessary to dispel the doubt at that time : “There was perhaps a little doubt, but no fear. We knew how to stay calm and we always knew how to play and what to do. We mostly made individual mistakes at the start of the second half, I was the first not to find a touch that I had to secure and we took a try against the attack after that. It is these inaccuracies that made us doubt ourselves a little. We remained calm and we knew how to show it after the sixtieth. “

Show that face every game

This victory of course enchants all rugby fans happy to see the France team relive and come out of great performances, especially two years before the World Cup: “We are happy to send signals like that, all the teams that are going to face us will play at 200% and we will therefore have to show this face in each match to prepare for the big challenge that lies ahead in two years.

Before the 6 Nations Tournament and many other deadlines between now and the World Cup, Melvyn Jaminet will return to the USAP. The next two challenges are called Clermont and Montpellier and, for the USAP, it is the equivalent of two games against the Blacks who obviously are not unbeatable. The nugget will not be too much in the Catalan ranks.

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