Victory of Emmanuel Macron, purchasing power, pensions, message to LRs … Bruno Le Maire’s “8:30 franceinfo”

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery, Bruno Le Maire, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on April 25, 2022 on franceinfo. He notably mentioned Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the presidential election, purchasing power and pension reform.

>> Emmanuel Macron re-elected: follow our live

Changing the “way of governing”

“Of course we have to change our way of governing”, said Bruno Le Maire the day after Emmanuel Macron’s re-election. We must “to be able to listen more, to hear more of what each other is saying to us”he added.

“I do not consider that the nearly 19 million French people who voted for Emmanuel Macron said to him: ‘It’s great, we continue, everything is fine'”also said Bruno Le Maire. “There are some who are very satisfied – let’s not forget -, but there are also French people who tell us: ‘Basically, you are the best choice but we expect a lot from you (… ) and don’t forget the message we sent to you’. We won’t forget it”he promised.

Purchasing power: “more significant and more targeted” aid

Yes “the discount of 18 euro cents” on fuel prices is “efficient”, “Having more meaningful and targeted aid seems fairer”according to the Minister of Economy and Finance. For him, “The problem with the 18-cent rebate is that it benefits everyone, regardless of their income level, whether or not you have to take your vehicle to work”. Thereby, “justice would be that we help those who will travel 100 or 150 km a day, sometimes more”.

“Jean Castex had asked us to work on this [nouveau] device, it will be ready in the summer” and “the idea is to vote for these measures around July”he specified. “I tell you all this with great caution, because it may be that in a few days I will no longer be Minister of Economy and Finance or no longer in government”he admitted.

The place of LR “alongside Emmanuel Macron”

“After Five Years”The Republicans (LR) “should still have understood. They should have the honesty and the lucidity to say to themselves: basically, our place is alongside Emmanuel Macron and not against him”estimated the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, himself from LR.

“For five years, Les Républicains and [leur candidate à la présidentielle] Valérie Pécresse, during her campaign, never stopped fighting Emmanuel Macron, opposing proposals which, in their heart of hearts, they knew very well were theirs: lower taxes, support for businesses , support for European construction, support for employment, for activity, for the promotion of work, this is what we have always defended”he added.

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