Victoria of Sweden on the verge of divorce with Daniel? The Royal Court finally responds

Faced with persistent divorce rumors, the Royal Court of Sweden finally took the trouble to react. For more than a month now, the Swedish media Stoppa Pressarna claims that Princess Victoria and her husband the Prince Daniel are going through a marital crisis, to the point that divorce proceedings are being considered.

Royal Court spokeswoman Margaretha Thorgren has come out of her silence to put these rumors to rest once and for all: “We can clearly deny the information that the heir couple are divorcing. There is no divorce”she replied, as reported by the specialized site Royal storieson February 12, 2022.

The denial of the Royal Court has just been supported by a new release of the couple, arm in arm, Tuesday, February 15. Along with King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria and her husband traveled to the Royal Opera House in Stockholm to watch a performance of the opera Loftet. The 44-year-old Crown Princess and her 48-year-old husband cut a fine figure in front of the photographers. Are the divorce rumors finally behind them? Not so sure…

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