Victoria from Sweden anorexic at 20 and less than 50 kilos on the scale: “I did not exist”

Many people suffer from eating disorders. Some first close their eyes before becoming aware of the seriousness of the situation. This pattern, even the largest families are confronted with it. Especially the royals. This Wednesday, October 19, Point of viewa magazine specializing in royalty, devotes its front page to mental health, considered the “last taboo” of the monarchy. It must be said that in recent decades, there have been many examples. Victoria of Sweden was one of them.

At the time, no one suspected anything, but a sudden weight loss in 1997 would eventually alert those around the pretty brunette. Particularly during the presentation of the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm in December 1997. In a few weeks, the princess transformed and presented an increasingly emaciated appearance in public. “No figures were ever released but it seems that at the turn of the year 1995-1996 Victoria weighed around 70kg” says Herman Lindqvist, his biographer.

“There are no remedies”

In the space of a few days, Victoria from Sweden shed several kilos: “Complexed by her figure, the 19-year-old young woman decides to lose weight. Proud of her ‘rapid’ progress, intoxicated by the control she finally exercises over her body, the daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf never ends no more depriving yourself, with a clear objective, to lose weight, to lose weight again and at all costs” precise Point of view. The world is watching helplessly at this sad situation: “By mid-September, she had lost so much weight that her clothes no longer fit properly.

At the end of December, Victoria from Sweden lost more than 20 kilos, displayed less than 50 on the scale and a BMI of 17, well below that considered normal. The heiress will be taken care of by specialists in New York, a rebirth for the young woman: “I felt like a train speeding up, going straight down at full speed. I was aware of suffering from eating disorders, my anxiety was enormous. I really hated my appearance, my way of being… Me, Victoria, I didn’t exist. I felt like everything in my life and around me was controlled by others” she confided in 2002. But getting out of this spiral is not an easy task. Three years earlier, Victoria admitted it: “There are no miracle cures, no specific medicines to cure. The best treatment comes from the moral support of the people who love you and who are around you.” Support that Princess Diana, also plagued by eating disorders, struggled to find…

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