Victoria Falls: the smoke that roars



Article written by

N. Bertrand, N. Getti, S. Barral, J. Barrère – France 2

France Televisions

Victoria Falls mark the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The 1 p.m. soap opera takes you to this vertiginous jewel of nature, called “the smoke that roars”, in the local language.

A deafening noise, clouds of fine floating droplets, these are the reasons why Victoria Falls are nicknamed “the smoke that roars”. Four million liters of water flow into these falls, which are twice as deep as those of Niagara. Several wild animals are the happy owners of the neighboring shores.

At an altitude of 400 meters, several spectators hold their breaths, obsessed by the grandeur of the show. “It’s amazing to see them from so high, and it’s a great experience to share with your daughter”, marvels a mother of a family next to her smiling daughter. The two tourists are aboard a helicopter piloted by Stéphanie, a former police pilot. “It’s my livelihood to fly here so I’m not objective, but it’s so spectacular from the sky. I never get tired of it ”, she says.


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