Every day, a personality invites itself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Wednesday June 19, 2024: the actor, Victor Belmondo. He is the poster for Emmanuelle Belohradsky’s film, “She & Him & the Rest of the World” which is released on Wednesday.
Reading time: 9 min

Victor Belmondo is an actor and as the saying goes: “like father, like son“, there is a lot in him of his grandfather, Jean-Paul Belmondo, in addition to his personality and his particularities. With a screenwriter’s diploma in his pocket, he finally decided to become an actor. The public recognized him discovered, in 2016, in the room The Knives in the Back. On the cinema side, there were: The Very Private Life of Mr. Sim by Michel Leclerc (2015), Fly Me by Christophe Barratier in 2021 or the event series bardot by Danièle Thompson for France 2, in 2023, where he played the role of Roger Vadim.
Today, he is starring in Emmanuelle Belohradsky’s film, She & him & the rest of the world, or the story of a remote meeting, via telephone, between Marco who is helping a friend in an emergency center and a young woman stuck in an elevator. The young woman’s call is made on Valentine’s Day at 3 a.m. and, due to a lack of technicians, Marco decides to go and help her. Except that when he arrives, the cage is empty.
franceinfo: I have the impression thatHer & him & the rest of the world is simply about feelings of love and being able to ultimately fall in love while disconnected from the world.
Victor Belmondo: Yes. It’s about many things, but above all about love. These are two characters who don’t know each other, who have never seen each other and who yet will fall under the spell of each other, will fall in love. And one will run after the other in the hope of finding her.
The young woman is not visible at first. Is it difficult to play a role just through voice?
Of course, the voice is a driving force in the film. The character played by Galatea Bellugi, Bulle, we only meet through her voice for a very large part of the film. Of course it played a role, it was interesting to go through that. It’s an interesting and attractive device to use voice. For actors, it’s a super important tool.
We’re not going to lie, it’s very romantic. It’s really how to fall in love the old fashioned way, without that dreadful connection to social media connections. Does it touch you to be in this kind of film with all the poetry that it generates?
It’s a very pure film, devoid of any embellishment, of any negativity. It speaks to the very essence of love, that is: what is it like to feel love at first sight? To feel something, a connection, a desire, a desire? Of course it touched me.
When we see the image of you, we have the impression that you have absolutely no pressure. Your grandfather was the same. He had this intoxication and this desire to live, this lightness too. Did you inherit this?
I don’t think I inherited its lightness. I envy its lightness. The lightness and carefreeness he had was unique. I think that this lightness only belonged to him. Now, yes, it’s true that I try to be quite relaxed. I can’t say that I’m as light, relaxed and carefree as him.
Is being the grandson of a sacred, adored, adored cinema monster a heavy legacy to bear?
No, it’s not heavy. I think there are heavier and more serious things in life. There is nothing negative.
“My grandfather is someone who left a lot of love, a lot of kindness, a lot of positivity.”
Victor Belmondoat franceinfo
Initially you turned to the screenplay. When did you decide to be an actor?
In fact, I never wanted to be a screenwriter. I always wanted to be an actor and writing was never a goal. My goal was to play and that has been the case since childhood. I played for the first time when I was 11 years old. I think it was there, on that set, that I really decided I wanted to be an actor. I did everything to be an actor. And later, writing came into my life, but the basis has always been gaming.
What’s crazy is that initially, you never used your name for castings. You have truly decided to stand on your own two feet. You have a saying: “Victory has no taste if it is easy”.
It’s true that when I decided to do this job, very quickly, I said to myself: but if tomorrow I play a leading role, my dream will not have the same flavor as if I was working. I didn’t want it to be a help, I didn’t want it to be a plus. Not to claim it or anything, it’s just for myself.
“I had a dream, I wanted to go find it on my own. I didn’t want to be given what I dreamed of right away.”
Victor Belmondoat franceinfo
This film shows a budding love story, with fairly accurate emotions and feelings. Are you a lover of life, of the world around you?
Of course, in love with life, in love with everything life has to offer us, all the different feelings, the moments, obviously. We are lucky to be here, we must take advantage of it.
What’s next ?
There is a film by Gaël Morel called Live, die, be reborn which comes out on September 25. I am currently filming a film by Olivier Marchal for Netflix called Stronghold 36. And then a small participation in the film of Diastème, a musical comedy, which is called Pretty pretty.
Watch this interview on video: