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To prevent people guilty of domestic violence from reoffending when they leave prison, a new measure has just come into force to warn victims.
Last November, in Épinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis), a woman was killed by her ex-husband, who had just been released from prison after a remission. The victim had not been notified of his release. To avoid this kind of drama, a new measure came into force on Tuesday, February 1.
Anyone who is the victim of domestic violence must immediately be notified by the courts as soon as their ex-spouse leaves prison. For Me Michelle Mayan, lawyer and president of the Lawyers for women association, informing the victim, “she becomes a subject of law again, she can prepare herself, take shelter, take her phone in serious danger (domestic violence prevention system, editor’s note)which was not the case in the Epinay-sur-Seine feminicide“.