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Thursday, May 5, 70 victims, who had not constituted civil parties or who had not wished to testify so far at the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, changed their minds. The Assize Court agreed to hear them.
Thursday, May 5, Justine’s mother, Isabelle Moulin, read a text at the bar at the Paris Assize Court, during the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015. She spoke about her 22-year-old daughter, murdered on a terrace. She is one of those who, so far, have not been able or not had the strength to testify. Isabelle Moulin took the plunge for his daughter.
“It is also, perhaps, our duty to say things (…), and above all, we will not regret anything, and it is a way of still being with his absence”confides Isabelle Moulin, who adds that she has “never lived without Justine”but that she lives today “with his absence”. Arnaud Meersseman, the producer of the group who played at the Bataclan, had not wanted to testify so far. “To be completely honest, I only want to leave. But I think I have to do it because it allows you to have the defendants in the room”, says the producer. The victims who had not had, so far, the strength to testify will be nearly 70 to parade at the bar until next Thursday.