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The trial of the Brétigny-sur-Orge rail disaster, in Essonne, opens on Monday, April 25. In July 2013, a train derailment killed seven people and injured hundreds. Journalist Nathalie Perez is in duplex from the Évry court.
For nine years, the families of victims of the Brétigny-sur-Orge disaster, in Essonne, have been waiting for answers to their questions. “Why on July 12, 2013, the Paris-Limoges train derailed to crash into the platform of Brétigny-Sur-Orge, killing nine people and injuring more than 200? “asks journalist Nathalie Perez, from the Évry courthouse (Essone). The investigation had determined that a defective metal part was the cause of the disaster. “Part that had been reported out of order, and yet had never been replaced”says the journalist.
On the bench of the defendants, Monday, April 25, only one railway worker is present. “A maintenance manager at the time, [qui] incurs three years in prison, and the SNCF, which is also present but as a legal person“, details Nathalie Perez. “She just incurs a fine, which can go up to 225,000 euros“, says the journalist. The families of victims are waiting for explanations, but also for “apologies” from the SNCF.