victim of sexual abuse from her child babysitter, Pamela Anderson makes a huge revelation!

A documentary that promises to be poignant and rich in shocking revelations. In “Pamela, a Love Story”, available on Netflix from Tuesday January 31, actress Pamela Anderson confided in particular about the abuse she had suffered during her childhood.

“I lived horrible things, small”, she begins in the documentary, according to our colleagues from Figaro. Victim of sexual assault by her babysitter from 4 to 8 years old, the actress revealed in the series “Malibu” remembered this horrible period: “My parents thought she was great because she brought presents, but she abused me. It lasted three or four years. She told me not to say anything. “Before adding:” During these traumatic moments, I left my body and floated in my own world. I was digging a tunnel to China and I said to myself: “I hate it. I want to get out of here.” I thought I had to leave the island (Vancouver, editor’s note) “, says Adil Rami’s ex in the documentary.

“I tried to kill her”

“I tried to protect my brother. I tried to kill her, stab her in the heart with a candy cane. I told her I wanted her dead, and she died in a car accident the next day,” Pamela Anderson also revealed in “Pamela, a Love Story.” A death which unfortunately did not allow the little girl to find inner peace. “I thought I had killed her by magic and that I could not tell anyone about it, supports the star. I was sure I was guilty. I wished her dead and she died. I lived with this all my childhood”said the actress.

Traumas that marked the period of his adolescence. Not “cured of her childhood”, in 2018, in the program “Piers Morgan Life Stories”, the 55-year-old actress declared that she had been “ashamed” of her body at the time of puberty.

See also: Adil Rami celebrates his birthday with two reality TV candidates!


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