victim of health problems, she comes out of silence after her hospitalization

These last few days have been complicated for Christine Kelly. Last June, the presenter of “Face à l’info” on CNews took over social networks and indicated that she had to return to the antenna on June 23 to be hospitalized. “This week will be my last with you for the season. Small minor health concerns will however keep me away from you after June 23, to tell the truth”, she wrote on her social networks.

A few days later, the former columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” and “Balance ton post” did not show up in her best light. Also on social networks, Christine Kelly had published a snapshot of her in the hospital, infused and bedridden. “I promised you news here. Everything is fine. A fatigue that will soon go away. Thank you all. I kiss you”she explained.

And it was on July 13, the symbolic day of her birthday, that Christine Kelly again delivered some news following her operation. “You ask me for news... I spend more time lying down than standing up. I do the postoperative injections myself. I have learned”, she said. And to reassure about the rest of his summer: “My operation went very well and I hope to be in full energy by the end of the holidays”.

Recall that the journalist of CNews has experienced hassle in recent months since she had revealed to be threatened with death. “I took a lot. I don’t tolerate any will to hurt, for free […] Who has ever survived months or weeks of death threats while working? Thank you for your testimony. It can help” she wrote on her social networks.

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