victim of 13 years, intimate photos, blackmail … this shock investigation which has just been unveiled

A few days after the terrible revelations about Norman Thavaud, it is the turn of another famous YouTuber to be pinned for acts of alleged sexual assault and rape. The online media Numerama has indeed collected 20 testimonies implicating the videographer specializing in the world of cinema, Victor Bonnefoy better known as “Inthepanda”.

Followed by more than 300,000 people on the social network, the videographer would also have taken advantage of his notoriety to obtain sexy photos and favors from fans. The article indeed evokes: “‘an influential youtubeur, having a strong hold on his community of fans and on his relatives; of a personality aware of his notoriety, who would have taken advantage of his status to obtain naked photos of his subscribers and who would have abused some of his sexual partners…”. Among the 20 sordid testimonies, one of the young women even accuses him of rape and the youngest of the complainants was only 13 when he allegedly asked her for “nudes” or naked photos in 2015… when he was 21 year.

In 2016, when a first young woman had published an accusation of rape against her, the youtubeur was quick to discredit her word. “He managed to convince a lot of people by presenting [la victime] as an unreliable person, who had a grudge against him, testifies one of the relatives of the videographer. He circulated a file in our group, with many exchanges between him and [elle]to show that the accusation was bogus and that she was just trying to harm him.” can we read in Numerama. It is also noted that the videographer liked to proudly show off the intimate photos sent by his subscribers during evenings with friends and that he would never have been worried. Through manipulation, blackmail and insistence, he would have succeeded in obtaining many sexual relations and intimate photos over the years…

Contacted by the accusing media, Victor Bonnefoy responded through his lawyer and “firmly denies having committed any sexual offense, whether against adults or minors”.


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