Vianney still very close to a candidate of The Voice

A little less than a year ago, Vianney was on the show for the first time. The voice with Marc Lavoine, Amel Bent and Florent Pagny. A 10th edition that he did not ultimately win since it is Marghe, the talent of Team Pagny.

However, the 30-year-old star fell in love with the singer he brought to the final, namely Mentissa. But he didn’t stop there, since he took him under his wing, allowing him to sign on his label. Sooner or later.

And today, the artist will unveil his first pop album. “I don’t prefer to say it too much, because we’re at the start of the project. We do a lot of songs with different songwriters and composers. And maybe those songs won’t be on my future project, so I don’t prefer to reveal the songs. names, but I can tell you that you all know them. Make songs where I am expected musically, but also where I am not expected. I love oriental sounds, so I would like to incorporate that into my album, looking for sounds, instruments. But the basis of my album will be pop “, she said to Gala.

And will Vianney write him new songs? “I don’t know. We don’t discuss it, we don’t calculate it. If it happens, it would be naturally. I see him above all as a musical godfather, and if I make him listen to what is being done, it doesn’t he is not the one who decides the turn of my project. I see other composers, by the way “.
Mentissa spoke of the relationship with the one she sees as her “example”.

“Our relationship developed naturally. It was at the end of” The Voice “, because I was his only talent, that we got to know each other, and we saw that we looked a lot alike. many things the same. all artists should be like Vianney: He’s a friend and he’s my example. “

See also: Vianney, new dad: this tennis star for whom he left everything!


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