Vianney speaks out on attacks in Israel

This Saturday, October 7, Hamas attacked several cities in Israel and directly relaunched the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has been raging for several decades. This Monday, October 9, the death toll rose to more than 1,200, including more than 700 Israelis and 508 Palestinians. Also, at least 100 hostages are still held by Hamas to this day.

For 48 hours, personalities have taken turns to give their opinions on the situation but above all to express their support for Israel. “Imagine hundreds of barbaric terrorists entering French villages simultaneously. Massacring, slaughtering, raping hundreds of civilians, taking old men, women and children hostage, all under a rain of 5,000 missiles! This is what people are subjected to Israelis for 24 hours. To all those who find extenuating circumstances for these terrorists, LFI, NPA and other ignorant people hiding behind your anonymous X accounts. You are the shame of France!” wrote host Arthur on Instagram.

It was then Karine Ferri’s turn to speak: “To my friends, artists, actors, singers. Comedians, athletes. Look closely at these faces. Those of an entire family. Massacred by these barbaric terrorists. There are 700 others who lost their lives because they were Jews. And 2000 others seriously injured . Don’t stay silent, stop being afraid. It’s time to show your humanity and support. Your silence is killing them a second time! #IStandWithIsrael“.

Vianney shares her feelings on social networks
At the same time, Vianney spoke on X, formerly Twitter.“No need to have ties to Israel to feel bruised these days. The victims of such barbarity are, whatever happens, our brothers and sisters. Let us hope, let us pray, so that this blood shed does not don’t take other innocent people with him.” he wrote with sorrow.


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