Vianney pins a business that used his first name…

With his ideal son-in-law appearance and his immaculate smile, Vianney justifies the fact that he is one of the most popular singers in recent years. Height of glory for the young artist, he has been one of the coaches of The Voice on TF1 for two seasons. A consecration which was not however so obvious for him, in particular at the time of stacking for a second year. “I wondered if I was going to be as happy or excited as last year, because I get bored very quickly. Last year, I made incredible encounters, it was very strong. I wondered if it wouldn’t already be one season too many for me. But in fact, not at all. I am satisfied, I was not bored at all”said the companion of Catherine Robert during a press conference.

Before perhaps putting his feet back on the red jury chair, Vianney, like many stars like Angèle or Renaud, took the road to summer festivals. The opportunity for the singer to get “dirty” a little in the summer heat. And if the interpreter of “I’m leaving” has wet the shirt well, he has also put his hands to the test. On July 11, Vianney shared new images from his concerts via his Instagram feed and story. On one of them, he revealed his hands damaged by the strings of his guitar. “Sorry it’s filthy“, he apologized. “But it’s to excuse the few notes a little off last night […]. It’s starting to sting“.

We don’t know if Vianney went to the manicure afterwards, but one thing is certain, there is a hair salon that seems to have caught his attention. Indeed, on Sunday July 31, 2022, the young thirty-something shared on Twitter the photo of a storefront of an establishment called “Les Coiffures de Vianney”. “Not sure it’s very selling“, he captioned with humor. A post which of course reacted to his subscribers who took it upon themselves to reassure him: “I’m sure you have to file a license for the Vianney haircut, you’re so unique, my Viannou”, “With or without hair, smooth, curly, white, gray… wick or not, Vianney will always be Vianney in my heart“.


See also: Vianney files a complaint after his visit to the Festival des Vieilles Charrues

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