Vianney in pain: the singer reveals a “filthy” photo after a concert

I am leaving“, this is what Vianney’s skin said to himself by dint of playing the guitar too much. Monday July 11, 2022, in an Instagram story, the 31-year-old singer revealed a photo that it was better not to look at in full meal.

Vianney quickly became an essential artist. He knew how to conquer the hearts of the French with his hits Not here, I am leaving or Father in law. Titles that he currently defends on stage during concerts as part of his tour entitled let’s not wait or festivals. Catherine’s companion can thus meet his audience and give everything on stage…maybe even a little too much? In addition to giving voice, he plays the guitar and, by dint of using his instrument, his hands suffer. The proof with the cliché “filthy” which he unveiled yesterday. We can clearly see one of his damaged hands. The skin is even gone in one place. “Sorry, that’s filthy. But that’s to excuse the few slightly off notes last night. It’s starting to sting“, wrote the young man who was present at the Festival Terre du son on July 10, at the Domaine de Candé in Monts.

But his public did not hold it against him, quite the contrary. “Remember to put some cream on your Vianney hands”, “Their condition proves that you play the guitar hard during the festivals taken by the overheated atmospheres in which I cannot be to my great regret…“, can we read in particular in the caption of a photo slideshow where he shares a few moments of music. Proof that he can always count on his fans, whatever happens.

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