VIA Rail’s new CEO calls for a rail passenger charter

(Montreal) The main manager of VIA Rail says that the Government of Canada must consider implementing a passenger charter of rights comparable to that currently in force for air travelers.

In an interview, the president and CEO of VIA Rail, Mario Péloquin, maintains that the federal government should move towards a charter which would guarantee train passengers compensation for long delays.

If the reason for the disruption occurs on one of Canada’s two main freight railways, on which VIA trains operate, they should pay, which would further encourage smooth operation, according to Mr. Péloquin. He also calls for rules that would give the state-owned company’s passenger trains formal priority over freight trains, a privilege enjoyed by passenger rail carrier Amtrak’s cars in the United States.

Former Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said last summer he was exploring measures to improve travelers’ experience with VIA Rail’s performance, including through a bill of rights.

During the quarter that ended June 30, 62% of VIA Rail trains arrived on time, an improvement compared to the proportion of 53% observed a year earlier.

The Transport portfolio in the Government of Canada is now held by an MP from Montreal, Pablo Rodriguez.

Mario Péloquin reached the highest position at VIA Rail last June.

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