very tense exchange between Delphine Wespiser and Clément Garin in “TPMP”

Wednesday, April 13, in Do not touch My TVDelphine Wespiser opposed Yassine Belattar during a debate on “Everything but Macron” and showed her preference for Marine Le Pen. “You see when you look at her, when you listen to her, she is proposing something else, she has worked, she has a form of benevolence. Today, people have the right to vote for someone other than Emmanuel Macron who has had his day. He had five years to show us what he could do. Today, at the exit, the results are that more than 60% of French people do not want to renew and yet people don’t dare because there are people like you who say ‘especially not the extreme right.’ It’s not the National Front, it’s the National Rally, it has changed a lot because everything the world can evolveshe said in particular.

The next day, Thursday April 14, the columnists gave their opinion on these remarks, which caused a stir on the web. “What shocked me in what Delphine said was not that she votes Marine, she does what she wants, there’s no problem, what bothered me is that she wants Le Pen to become the mother of the French. I don’t want Marine Le Pen to become the mother of the French.”dropped Clément Garin before continuing by saying: “In 2011 she was photographed with two neo-Nazis, in 2014 it was with members of an anti-migrant group who had neo-Nazi tattoos, in 2019 in Estonia she took a photo of herself with a militant supremacist and she made the supremacist gesture”.

In response, the former beauty queen said: “So Clément if you want to take out small files… we have some on you too…”she began. “But why threats directly?”reacted the young man. “We have the right to disagree without being threatening”he added. “But no”defended the companion of Roger. “But if you want to take out files on me, I’m listening”. Very tense atmosphere!

See also: Video: “The Great Debate”: Emmanuel Macron reframes Marine Le Pen!

Sylvain Majadahonda

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