very tense atmosphere in the government due to the pension reform

Pending the famous mobilization day of March 7, the level of tension has risen a notch in the government on the pension reform, while rumors of a possible reshuffle do not help.

Rattles of voices and slamming doors. While waiting for March 7 and the mobilization against the pension reform, the atmosphere is very tense in the government. Tuesday is the day that makes the executive nightmare. The Minister of Transport Clément Beaune called on Friday, March 3, the French who can to “teleworking”while the parliamentary debate continues in the Senate.

>> Pension reform: transport, schools, industries What to expect for Tuesday’s mobilization day?

The level of tension in the government is of course fueled by the entourages, specialists in sound bites. Example with a portrait of Olivier Dussopt, published on February 26 in The world (article reserved for subscribers), when the Minister of Labor prides himself on not having “just a boss”, in the person of Emmanuel Macron. Elisabeth Borne – in remarks that leaked in the same columns – qualifies Olivier Dussopt as “the one who is all red and sulky”.

Just some “stink balls” in the eyes of some but sufficient to dampen the mood. An important adviser to power does not hesitate to speak of “broken dialogue” between two figures on the front line on pension reform. Contacted by franceinfo, Olivier Dussopt denies. He even claims to be “very aligned” with the Prime Minister: “We talk to each other every day, we see each other almost every day”says the Minister of Labour.

A risky communication

The Minister of Labor crystallizes the tension but it is also the risky communication of the government which set fire to the powder. Several drops of water ended up breaking the camel’s back. From the presentation of the reform, Olivier Dussopt was vilified for his alleged mismanagement of consultations with the social partners. Elisabeth Borne had also asked for a little extra time in December.

Others regret the mistakes of several ministers on long careers and on women’s pensions. This week, and as the prospect of blockages and a renewable strike approaches, the exact number of beneficiaries of the minimum pension of 1,200 euros has crystallized tensions and put the government on edge. “The initial error comes from the Minister of Labour, he was the one who wrote the text”still insists an adviser who does not spare him, and engages: “I’ve been saying there’s a problem with Olivier Dussopt for two months.”

“The Fear of Reshuffling”

Rumors of a possible redesign to come do not help matters. This is yet another adviser to the executive who speaks: “Everybody’s scared of the reshuffle, and that four-cushion billiard game.” Clearly, the tensions are exacerbated by the hypothesis of changes in the government team and the desire of everyone to save their heads. “The texts we carry in the future and especially with whom”translates a strategist. “I don’t know if Macron is angry or not.admits another, but he can’t be happy about that”.

In recent hours, and it is classic in stormy weather, the wind of reorganization has been blowing with great force. A must to turn the page on pensions. A cursed reform, which has already left traces and scars within the executive.

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