“Very great news”, rejoices the League against road violence

An automatic speed limiter will be fitted to all new cars in France from July 6, 2022, in application of a European regulation adopted by the Commission on November 17, 2021 and which has been transposed into French law. It’s a “very big news”, reacted the president and spokesperson of the League against road violence, Chantal Perrichon Wednesday, November 24 on franceinfo.

franceinfo: Is the installation of this cruise control good news in your opinion to fight against road insecurity?

Chantal Perrichon: When we know that lowering the average speed by 1% systematically results in 4% fewer fatalities, we say to ourselves that this will indeed reduce mortality on our roads. It is a very great news which is announced there. This is a very big step that will be taken since only the new models will have it in July 2022 and then all the new models. Despite everything, what a waste of time. Let us recall that France was a pioneer for research work in 2001. It was declared operational in 2006, during a major conference in Versailles.

Do you welcome this decision without reservations?

Yes, we have reservations insofar as it can be deactivated if the driver wishes. We have a preference that this is not the case. That is to say that there are millions of drivers in this country who are in good faith who do not drive to be in the transgression and it is a driving aid, because with a second d inattention you can be flashed. It’s more than a warning, it will obviously help them drive.

“Remember for those who say that in case of necessity we will be endangered: no, there is what is called the” kickdown “, you press the pedal for a few seconds and you unleash the system.”

Chantal Perrichon, president of the League against road violence

to franceinfo

And let us remember all the same for those who are already ironic by saying “Do you realize, how the state is going to get richer now?” that the cost of road insecurity is 50 billion euros per year for our country. It is not liberticide, because each driver will be able to choose his speed in the place where he is.

But how can you be sure of the reliability of the system?

You have a great improvement which is made with all the geolocation of vehicles. We can never say that there is no error whatever system obviously is going to be used. But despite everything, when we know the thousands of lives that will be saved, what do we put in the balance? You can imagine that all the manufacturers – who have not favored the implementation of this system at all because it prevents them from selling cars that are unnecessarily fast and powerful – are now going to work on the autonomous vehicle. The autonomous vehicle does not mean more freedom for the driver himself, but a choice by the vehicle of the speed that will be displayed and geolocated.

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