very good if cooked well

Cooked by the Italians at the start

They cooked the salsify quite late, in fact, in the 16th century, in other words at the same time as the recently discovered tomato from South America, when they had the salsify in front of them.

For the English it has a taste… Of oysters

The English, true to themselves, give it a name of their own: “oyster vegetable”, in other words “vegetable oyster” “what? But it doesn’t look like an oyster! They are indeed crazy across the Channel, but the English find it has a slight taste of oysters, which gave it its name in London.

How to prepare it

You have to peel it ©Getty
Westend61 Creative – no: 717168839

You eat the root, you also have to peel it, with gloves if you want to eat raw salsify, and by being patient, or by cooking the root first, which will make it easier to peel. Besides, don’t forget to put a little lemon juice on it just after that, it will keep its beautiful white color. Raw it can be made into a very good salad that is served with a spicy vinaigrette. Cooked, salsify can be made into a delicious velouté or served as a gratin, as some have known in boarding houses in the past, or with scallops.

Health side

it is very rich in fiber and it helps to fight against diabetes, some claim that it also helps against cholesterol. Cooking is done with a lot of ingredients like salsify, but it is mostly done with heart.

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