Very electric atmosphere on the set of TPMP … Two guests clash violently!

Friday March 11, to close an eventful week, Cyril Hanouna had invited it was the turn of Jean Messiha in Do not touch My TV. Éric Zemmour’s campaign spokesperson was invited to talk about the War in Ukraine and those calling for “to sourt out” the refugees.

A debate for which, Miss Amal, influencer and volunteer of the Red Cross was also invited. But between the two guests, the tone is raised. “Each country has the right to decide who goes in and who goes out (…) From the moment when these refugees have little chance of leaving, they are not refugees but immigrants”he explained. “We must welcome people who can live like us”. Words that made the young woman jump. “It’s shameful. He says anything”she first reacted before letting go: “He’s a racist!”before correcting himself by saying. “He’s worse than a racist, he’s sick.”

The floor was then given to Béatrice Rosen.

“In a given group, we can’t sort. ‘You are white, you come in, you are black, you don’t come in (…) Sorting people by facies is not possible”estimated Béatrice Rosen before answering Jean Messiha. “The border guards do not check the face but the identity papers. If you are not a Ukrainian or European Union national, it is normal that you are not given priority”.

Thereafter, the politician had a full-bodied exchange with Clément Garin where the insults multiplied.

Another good week that ends in the most followed talk show in France!

See also: “Tonight is my last TPMP show, definitely”: a TPMP columnist explains why he made the decision to leave


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