Vert & Or: a serious headache for an offensive coordinator

Justin Chapdelaine would have had every reason to tear his hair out when his first two quarterbacks fell in action.

• Read also: Constant special units

The Sherbrooke University Vert & Or lost the services of their number one quarterback, Anthony Robichaud, the day before the opening game, and second center Zachary Cloutier fell in action in the first half of the second game. .

Robichaud underwent surgery and returned to training with the team last week. As for Cloutier, he was injured again on his return against the Carabins of the University of Montreal and he was not in uniform at Concordia last Saturday.

“It’s always difficult to lose your number one quarterback before the first game, agreed the offensive coordinator of the Vert & Or, but we have good depth. Zachary and Charles [Picard] knew the system well, but they needed more playing experience.”

When Cloutier fell in the second week of the season against the Stingers in Sherbrooke, with the Vert & Or trailing 19-0, Picard was thrown into the fray. Without any experience in the university ranks, he led Mathieu Lecompte’s troupe to three victories in as many outings.

Sherbrooke’s only loss came against the Carabins, when Picard was out of uniform due to injury. Cloutier was injured again against the Blues, and Chapdelaine then had to bet on his pivots four and five to end the meeting, which ended in defeat by four small points.

Olympian calm

Picard impresses with his calm. “Charles is in his own world and he doesn’t let himself be distracted,” explained Chapdelaine, who can count on the presence of his father this week in the team’s entourage.

“He is focused and he executes. He loves the team. I haven’t pared down my playbook, but I make sure to select ones he’s comfortable with. »

Invited to Bishop’s for a Gaiters event, Jacques stayed in Sherbrooke and will be on the sidelines on Friday night.

Chapdelaine assures that he is not surprised by the success of Picard, who is relatively mobile for a player of his size. “I’m not really surprised because Charles is a ‘gamer’ and he handles pressure well,” said the former Queen’s Gaels quarterback. He’s really confident and he believes we’re going to win. Its preparation makes the difference. He’s a great quarterback who sees the game well and is able to take hits. »

Awarded for his efforts

Mathieu Lecompte is impressed by the performance of the product of the Triades de Lanaudière in Division 3. “Few quarterbacks can boast of having accomplished what he has done in recent weeks,” said the head coach of the Vert & Or. He’s a guy who shows up for work every day. He never missed a meeting or a practice. He is rewarded for his efforts. »

Even if Robichaud is training with his teammates again this week, it would be surprising to see him in uniform. “We’re going one day at a time and I don’t have confirmation on whether he will be in uniform or not,” Lecompte said in closing.

“The best game since I’ve been in office”

The Sherbrooke University Vert & Or were impressive in all facets of the game, in a one-sided win over the Concordia Stingers last Saturday.

When asked if it was the best performance since he took over the reins of the team in the winter of 2017, Mathieu Lecompte did not hesitate. “It’s the best game since I took over as head coach and I told the players after the game,” he said of the 38-14 win. Beyond the victory, it is the way of winning which is interesting. It’s the best team victory. This is the first time that the culture that the group of coaches want to instill has been respected in this way. »

Players are dedicated

What is this culture that Lecompte and his assistants are trying to establish? “The most important aspect of this culture is the strength of the group with young men involved,” he explained. Players don’t always get the role they want, but they embrace their role. Players who were undressed in some games ran onto the field to carry water to their teammates during breaks. »

“I’ve never seen a great team like that,” continues Lecompte, who took over from David Lessard, whose contract was not renewed at the end of the 2016 season. “All the players are dedicated. »

Resilience often comes up when talking to the Vert & Or driver. Lecompte has good words for French running back Lucas Dalin, who had 164 yards and a touchdown on 21 carries in the win over the Stingers .

Not a surprise

“His performance is not a surprise because I always had high hopes for him, he said, but he understood the game system and our culture instead of being trapped by his qualities. athletic when he saw less ground. It’s hard to accept that. He is elusive due to his changes in direction. He is also a carrier who is able to drop his shoulder and play in a physical way. »

Lecompte mentions that rookies have already made the decision to continue their career in Sherbrooke, but he prefers to wait until the end of the season before making any announcements.

“We are on a mission, he illustrated, and on the other hand, we want to let young people finish their college career. We are not in a recruiting campaign. »

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