Véronique Sanson harassed for 20 years by a fan, justice gets involved

Véronique Sanson has made generations dream thanks to her songs. Unfortunately, the singer, who recovered from cancer, has not received that good from her fans, since some go a little too far … A fifty-something was arrested last summer after having harassed Véronique Sanson for almost 20 years! An ordeal which should soon end, since Justice has been seized. According to the site Actu.fr, the woman, originally from Brest, would have moved during the pandemic to the artist’s home, in the Yvelines. “She was living in her car. She was screaming. She was calling him day and night,” said a source close to the case to our colleagues.

La Bretonne has also written a lot to the ex of Pierre Palmade, thinking that she would return her love to him. It is since she attended one of his concerts, 20 years ago in Brest, that the stalker tries to attract the attention of the star, with whom she fell in love. “She crossed paths with her idol. It was at that moment, according to her words, that she fell in love with her. She realized that it had been reciprocated, even if the two of them weren’t. have not exchanged a word “, said the same source.

A first psychological assessment was undertaken and it turns out that this fan would have “developed a delirium erotomaniac delirium “ and would have seen in the songs of Véronique Sanson messages and invitations. The defendant even went very far, to the point of threatening the star’s manager with death, swearing she was going to crucify her. The one who spent a whole month in her car during confinement, waiting for Véronique Sanson to leave her home, would also have had “a more than deplorable attitude, going as far as sexual exhibition”.

Very ill, the Brestoise was summoned to the Versailles judicial court on November 5 but did not appear, being under curatorship. His lawyer, Me Julie Lehut, requested a referral of the case as well as a “further psychiatric expertise”. The 72-year-old singer, for her part, chose not to bring a civil action and expressed “his weariness of the situation and the desire to be quiet”.

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