Véronique Jannot still hopes to find her ex Laurent Voulzy

If she cut her teeth as an actress in the 80s, Véronique Jannot also tried her hand at singing in the same decade. And especially alongside Laurent Voulzy, whose life she shared. The singer also confided recently that his former girlfriend would like to find him. “She’s been telling me about it for years!confided the interpreter of Pomegranate heart to our colleagues from France Sunday last spring. Before adding: we still haven’t made it since our song Desire, Desire, but we never know. It is not yet a project but a desire. Maybe we will… Why not?

Invited a few weeks ago to the Jordan De luxe show on C8, the actress spoke about this love story still very present in her. “It’s beyond being together. There are souls, hearts that meet and never separate, even if life separates them. Laurent, I love him. He’s someone which is part of my life and my heart”, she confessed. Feelings also shared with our colleagues from Here Paris: “It is impossible to catch. He’s always on tour or on a billion different projects. I wish we could meet at short notice“, she explains. And to continue: “Laurent is in my heart, I know I’m in his, but I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do something together again. I do not despair…

In the program “Chez Jordan” on C8, Véronique Jannot also returned to her fight against the disease. Suffering from cancer of the cervix, the singer and actress had to face questions from journalists who made her particularly uncomfortable. “They took the baby machine away from me“, she had explained. “No, but that was terrible, it didn’t take my mind, it took my heart“, she continued, explaining that she was constantly asked why she was not a mom. “So when it’s stupid people who say: ‘She does not become a mother because she is afraid of damaging her body. People don’t realize that we’re just human and that saying things like that is just inhuman!“, she had lamented.


See also: Laurent Voulzy and Alain Souchon make Audrey Pulvar cry!

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