Véronique Genest transparent about her lifestyle: “I need 10,000 euros per month”

Not all actors have the chance to land the role of their life in a series for twenty-four years. This advantage, Véronique Genest has yet had. The 66-year-old actress has played the character of Julie Lescaut for all these years in the detective series of the same name. Alongside Jennifer Lauret, the late Mouss Diouf or even Alexis Desseaux, Véronique Genest made the heyday of TF1. But in 2014, everything stopped. If the team now receives a fee on the rebroadcast of episodes on television, it is not enough to see the future come serenely for the heroine.

In an interview with Paris here, on newsstands this Wednesday, August 3, 2022, Véronique Genest talks about her daily life since the end of the program. Out of the question for her to stop working: “I’m hyperactive but I always wanted to be an actressshe assured. I am writing a series. For now, I’m into theatre. Creation, festival, school, transmission: that’s what gives me the most satisfaction.“If she still practices in the profession out of passion, money is also a source of motivation.

Véronique Genest had already mentioned “financial difficulties” in the past. Words on which she wanted to return: “I said that it was difficult for the actors but that I was lucky, I have goods and savings, but they will not be eternal. I had my mom [décédée en février dernier, ndlr] dependents – the retirement home cost between 5,000 and 6,000 euros per month – as well as my husband’s ex-wife. I have to earn my living, I have to work. I need 10,000 euros per month. To hold on, to help those around me.

The actress is for the moment obliged to work to continue to ensure this lifestyle for her and for her loved ones. His body will therefore decide to stop his activity. This is why she wants to lift the veil on the low pensions that comedians receive: “[Elles] are not up to the time they spend working, she concedes. They are minimal. Unemployment is capped, not huge. But I never complained.” A cause that she is not the only one to defend…

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