It is dirty, smelly and wears all the trappings of decay. But his charisma has not faded… Vernon Subutex once again comes to haunt the stage of Factory C in the play that bears his name, dragging in his wake a slew of misfits and cripples.
Director Angela Konrad struck a big blow in 2022 with her abundant stage adaptation of the first novel in the trilogy signed by Virginie Despentes. She does it again by tackling volumes 2 and 3, with the same all-star cast from the first opus at her side.
Thus, David Boutin takes up the threadbare clothes of Vernon Subutex, a fallen record store owner who was sent to the streets by nasty twists of fate (and the dematerialization of music). Penniless, he reconnects with old friends, with whom he will find a sofa to sleep in, a bed to fuck in or even a telephone line. coke to sniff. His destiny, however, is much greater.
Find freedom
“Vernon’s life will change,” explains David Boutin. He will hit the bottom of the barrel, but at his lowest, he will find a form of freedom. Around him and the music, a community will form. “Together, these marginalized people from society will create musical gatherings that they will call convergences and where the music will put them in a state of trance.
“Vernon is a magnet; everyone is attracted to him,” adds Anne-Marie Cadieux, who notably plays Sylvie, one of the record store mistresses.
The actress admits: she loves playing this completely neurotic character – and unforgettable for all those who have seen (and who will see) the first part of the trilogy. In fact, being part of this vast project delights her. “I really like the very assertive subversive feminism of Virginie Despentes. It’s rare to speak contemporary words like this. In addition, it is a dizzying project, a bit of a challenge. I like this. »

Anne-Marie Cadieux plays Sylvie, a character who is as neurotic as possible.
I like playing excessive female characters, lacking control, like Sylvie. With it, we have the impression of a champagne cork unscrewing!
Anne-Marie Cadieux
David Boutin has also developed a great affection for Vernon, whose solitude affects him. “When I read the novels, I fell in love with this character. This guy losing his bearings… I imagined inviting him to come crash into my living room to chat. I would bring him to my house in the evening to get to know each other. I enjoy letting myself sail with him, because Vernon is not a guy who makes decisions! I like what this story conveys, what it denounces. I also really like the richness of the characters. »
” In Vernon Subutex, everything is political, believes Anne-Marie Cadieux. Virgine Despentes criticizes neo-liberalism and addresses subjects such as racism, sexism, transidentity. In fact, it’s very interesting that the show is coming out now when we see everything that’s happening in France with the #metoo wave in the cinema industry. Virginie Despentes already described this environment as being misogynistic in her novels [sortis entre 2015 et 2017]. In addition, the last volume was released after the attacks of Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan. These events which transformed France inevitably punctuate history. »

Vernon Subutex bathed in a resolutely rock atmosphere.
Aura rock
This politicized side does not, however, prevent a very sex, drugs and rock’n’roll energy from blowing through the entire show. “ Vernon Subutex is a piece that moves, launches Anne-Marie Cadieux. It’s a ton of bricks where the music is omnipresent to the point of becoming a character in itself. »
“Angela is a director who likes raw and slightly crooked energy,” believes David Boutin. She doesn’t want a show that’s too polished. His approach is not polished. She’s a punk. »

In parts 2 and 3 of Vernon Subutexthe main character becomes a sort of prophet who will attract an entire community around him.
This punk energy, very palpable in the first part of the trilogy, was preserved for the other two parts, explain the two performers. Excellent news, considering that the first part won over the members of the Quebec Theater Critics Association, who awarded Angela Konrad the Prize for best Montreal production for the 2021-2022 season.
Placed end to end, the three parts of Vernon Subutex will form a show lasting seven hours (including two intermissions.) Usine C also offers spectators the opportunity to attend only the first part or to see parts 2 and 3 combined.
One thing is certain, according to Anne-Marie Cadieux, you must have seen the initial show to see parts 2 and 3. “We arrive in the middle of a plot which will be incomprehensible for those who have not seen part 1.”
The full version of the show is presented on May 4, 11 and 18. Part 1 is presented on April 30 as well as May 2, 7, 9, 14 and 16. As for the show Vernon Subutex 2+3the dates are 1erApril 3, 8, 10, 15 and 17.
Visit the Usine C website
Who is Virginie Despentes?
The French writer and director Virgine Despentes has written around ten novels, including The pretty things, Apocalypse baby and the trilogy Vernon Subutex. The latter has been adapted into a comic strip, a television series and the theater. For the cinema, she co-directed the adaptation of her very first novel, Fuck meand acted as director for the feature film based on his book Bye bye Blondie. She was also a member of the Goncourt academy from 2016 to 2020.