This “made in France” horror film directed by Sébastien Vanicek was designed as a feature film that will make you “shiver and laugh.”
Reading time: 1 min

If you ever have a panic fear of spiders, this is not for you. Unless you like to shiver. The story is that of an invasion of these “little” critters in a public housing project. Kaleb, a lover of exotic animals, one day brings home a spider of a particularly aggressive type which, following several adventures, escapes into his public housing tower, and lays eggs to multiply abnormally quickly.
The young director Sébastien Vanicek admits to having tapped into one of the most widespread and contemporary phobias.
“My primary aim with “Vermines” was to make an entertaining film, a fun film, a film that makes you shiver, but laugh.”
Sébastien Vanicekat franceinfo
Trapped inside the city by one of the confinements of the Covid era, the group of friends we follow have no other choice to survive than to organize and stick together in the face of this invasion of spiders, increasingly larger and deadly. This unity of place that is the building offers the director the ideal setting. “There are also budgetary constraints which mean that doing a closed session allows us to produce a 1h40 film for less money. But it was ultra-stimulating, artistically”specifies the director.
The film was shot at the astonishing Arènes de Picasso in Noisy-le-Grand. Enjoyable, rhythmic, well produced and supported by quality special effects, Vermin is an effective and assertive B series, successful and unifying entertainment for the holidays.
In the film, there is an intended analogy between insects and these suburban residents that society does not want to look at, or even wants to chase away or crush. The title of the film can also be read in a double sense and it is a new example that the famous “French genre film” is doing well at the moment.