verdict expected in the trial of the attacks of November 13



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Wednesday, June 29, the verdict of the trial of the attacks of 13-November is expected in the evening. Natalie Perez gives us the latest duplex information from the Paris Courthouse.

The tension is palpable as the verdict of the attacks on the trial of the 13-November. The sentences should be heavy, especially for Salah Abdeslam, for whom the Advocate General has requested life imprisonment. This sentence is usually very little pronounced and yet it could be the case for the main accused. In total, they are 20 in the dock awaiting their sentence. The magistrates will have to answer 121 questions.

When the magistrates arrive in the room, the verdict should happen in a very specific way, as Nathalie explains. Perez :They will read a summary of this synthesis and it is only then that they will give the quantum of the sentences for each of the defendants, starting according to the principle with the lightest sentences to the heaviest. We therefore expect a verdict within at least an hour or two.”

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