Venezuela | Juan Guaidó, the leader of the opposition, claims to be the victim of an attack

(Caracas) Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó said on Saturday he was attacked by “violent groups” linked to Nicolas Maduro’s government during a tour in the province, prompting condemnation from the United States.

Posted at 0:08

“It was an ambush,” Guaidó said in a video he posted on Instagram. The incident occurred during a meeting in a restaurant with activists from opposition political parties in the town of San Carlos, in the agricultural state of Cojedes (center).

Videos and photos of the incident have been shared on social media. In one of the videos, Juan Guaidó can be seen being pushed out of the restaurant amid shouts and jostling.

The opposition leader blamed regional leaders of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) who he said “leaded small violent groups”.

“We are deeply concerned by the unprovoked attack” against Mr. Guaidó and his supporters, said on Twitter the head of American diplomacy for Latin America, Brian Nichols. “Those responsible for this attack must be brought to justice,” he added.

Last Wednesday, US President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Juan Guaidó on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas, where Washington had not invited Nicolas Maduro.

The opposition leader is recognized by Washington as Venezuela’s interim president, but he failed to oust the socialist leader from power.

According to a statement from the White House, Mr. Biden supported the resumption of negotiations between Mr. Maduro and the opposition and said he was ready to “calibrate” the sanctions imposed on Venezuela, which include an oil embargo, if the talks progress.

Journalists linked to state media said that Mr Guaidó had allegedly been attacked by his own supporters, which the opposition leader described as “fake news”.

A similar event occurred last weekend during a visit by Juan Guaidó to Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia (northwest), when a meeting between activists turned into a fight, with chairs flying through the air and exchanges of blows.

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