Venezuela doubts the impartiality of the International Criminal Court

(Caracas) Venezuela on Tuesday questioned the impartiality of the International Criminal Court (ICC), as it investigates alleged crimes against humanity committed by the power of President Nicolas Maduro.

In a memorandum written within the framework of the ICC proceedings, Caracas denounces “the proven links of the ICC prosecution with non-governmental organizations which have provided information against the national authorities in this case, which casts doubt on the impartiality and objectivity of this court,” according to a statement released by Venezuela.

Caracas also refers to “the various irregularities and violations of procedure committed by the ICC prosecution, including the lack of defense by the Venezuelan State […] throughout the process”.

Venezuela had until Tuesday to send its arguments in the context of the investigation, formally opened in 2021.

“Venezuela has provided abundant information that demonstrates the political nature of the process”, assures the text, which considers that the procedure opened in 2018 is part “of the strategy of ‘regime change’ promoted by the government of the United States. United of America”.

The ICC prosecutor’s office is investigating possible crimes during the crackdown on anti-government protests in 2017 that left around 100 people dead.

Caracas insists that human rights violations have been sanctioned, prosecuted and judged by its own judicial system.

The opposition and some experts say the convictions of law enforcement officials for their crackdown were only handed down to avoid ICC prosecution.

Victims of alleged crimes against humanity have until March 7 to testify.

On March 31, ICC prosecutor Karim Khan is due to present a report in response to the Venezuelan state’s allegations.

From April, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber will decide whether or not to hold a trial.

The ICC and Venezuela signed an agreement in 2021 in which Caracas pledged to take steps to allow the body to work. In March 2022, investigators opened an office in the Venezuelan capital. In April 2022, Karim Khan refused to postpone the investigation.

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