Venetian music, lyric art, jazz … the pearls are out



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In his column, journalist Michel Mompontet looks back on the week’s releases, including a very beautiful Venetian album and a discreet disc by Sabine Devieilhe.

Post-romantic crush with the album Métamorphoses nocturnes (France musique) by Mathieu Herzog. “In this very beautiful album, we have the opportunity to hear the music of Strauss”, explains the journalist of France Télévisions Michel Mompontet.

Fancy a leap back in time? A very beautiful album of Venetian music comes out, Specchio Veneziano (Alpha classics). “It’s an absolutely miraculous record, light, a delicacy”, assures Michel Mompontet.

The star of French music and lyrical art, Sabine Devieilhe, releases a record, Bach & Handel (Warner Classics). “She returns among the giants of baroque music: Jean-Sébastien Bach and Handel. She records a disc while restraining”, specifies Michel Mompontet.

Finally, it is possible to discover a pearl of jazz: Cécil L. Recchia, who is releasing a record, Play Blue (Harpo Association). “It’s a tribute to the legendary jazz label Blue Note Records. She puts her words, her music, with a way of articulating it all, with grace”, entrusts Michel Mompontet.


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