Video length: 2 min
Depression Kirk: Vendée prepares before the arrival of the rains
Depression Kirk: Vendée prepares before the arrival of the rains
(France 2)
In Velluire, in Vendée, residents and local elected officials are preparing to welcome the rains from the Kirk depression, expected in the afternoon or evening, Wednesday October 9.
In the town of Velluire, in Vendée, a restaurateur whose establishment is located right next to the local river watches over the watercourse. He hopes he doesn’t get out of bed. “It still happens very quickly at the restaurant level”explains Fabrice Riefolo, pointing to the bank.
Low Kirk is expected to hit during the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, October 9. Up to 90mm of rain is expected.
In anticipation, the dam located upstream of the town empties to accommodate heavy rains. Alain Beneteau, mayor of Velluire, is also preparing for bad weather. “Our dikes have been reinforced and raised […]if necessary, we will take out the boats and we will warn the entire population”he assures. In the neighboring town, a resident who lives very close to the river is not reassured, after flooding last November. The Vendée prefecture invites residents to limit their travel as much as possible.
Watch the full report in the video above