Vaudreuil-Dorion | A teenager violently stabbed in front of the school, the SQ investigates

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) has opened an investigation after the online publication of a video where we see a young minor violently stabbing another teenager, in front of a school in Vaudreuil-Dorion. The victim was injured, but his life is not in danger.

Posted at 2:37 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

The Quebec police force says it was called to intervene urgently on September 12 around 1 p.m. in a park on Saint-Charles Avenue. The facts would in fact have occurred in a skate parkjust in front of the Cité-des-Jeunes school in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

“We are talking about an altercation between two minors which would have led the police to intervene. On the spot, we proceeded to the arrest of a young man, for armed assault ”, explained a spokesperson for the SQ, Nicolas Scholtus, on this subject.

Over the past few days, an investigation has been opened to shed light on the facts that took place. “The images that have been broadcast on social networks will be analyzed by our services,” also said Mr. Scholtus.

Since yesterday, videos of the knife attack have been multiplying online. The Press was able to view at least four of them. After what appears to be a verbal altercation, we see a young man in a gray sweatshirt, hood on his head, rushing at his victim, before stabbing him several times in the body.

The victim, only 13 years old, eventually manages to get away from her attacker. A subsequent video appears to show blood dripping onto the victim’s clothing. Shortly after, an adult passing by reportedly managed to subdue the suspect, who is 15 years old.

“Because you were insulted”

In another sequence posted on Instagram, we also hear another young man confronting the attacker, denouncing that he would have stabbed him only because he was “insulted”. “Hey, the number of times we insulted my mother, I pull up with a fucking knife ? “, he asks him then. “You stabbed someone because you were insulted”, launches another.

A final video finally shows a police officer who arrived on the spot, who proceeds to the arrest of the suspect, handcuffing him to the ground, while quoting him the right to remain silent and to have a lawyer. The attacker is finally taken away in a patrol vehicle.

Mr. Scholtus confirmed on Tuesday that the 13-year-old victim had been taken to a hospital after the incident. “He suffered injuries that did not leave fear for his life. The minor suspect, meanwhile, was taken to a youth center awaiting his appearance,” he said.

The management of the Cité-des-Jeunes school sent a letter to the parents in the wake of this affair, indicating that the students will be able to meet with stakeholders. “It may also be beneficial to review with your child what they have experienced or heard. Rest assured that the school is working with the police to support them in their investigation, ”wrote the establishment at the time.

“Too much violence at such a young age in the Greater Montreal area, it must stop,” implored the Rap Culture Montreal page, a community with tens of thousands of subscribers on Instagram, which relayed the videos. .

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